Having a Team Saved My Business and My Life

How having a virtual assistant can save a life and a business.

I am beyond excited to introduce a guest who has a story that will blow your mind and leave you inspired. I'm Jen Lehner, and I am thrilled to bring you a conversation with the incredible Lyndsay Morris. She's a remarkable woman who has not only navigated the ups and downs of business but has also triumphed over personal challenges that could have easily taken down anyone else.

I had the privilege of speaking with Lyndsay about her journey, and trust me, this is one story you won't want to miss.

Meet Lyndsay Morris

Lyndsay Morris, a recovering Type A perfectionist, is a wellness advocate, educator, and entrepreneur. Her journey is nothing short of incredible, and her story is a testament to the power of resilience, teamwork, and the importance of prioritizing self-care.

A few years ago, Lyndsay found herself at a crossroads. As a solopreneur, she was accustomed to doing everything herself, pouring her heart and soul into her business. But, as we all know, burnout is a real threat to entrepreneurs who don't prioritize self-care.

The Turning Point

Lyndsay's turning point came when she realized that her health was suffering, and she needed a change. She decided to hire a virtual assistant (VA) to help ease her workload. Little did she know that this decision would become a lifeline for her business and her well-being.

"I remember talking about how life-changing it was for me to experience a Virtual Assistant because I had been a solopreneur for so long and I've done everything myself, and it was refreshing to have help," Lyndsay shared.

However, her journey took an unexpected turn in the face of the global pandemic. The year 2020 was a year of massive change for everyone, and Lyndsay's business was no exception. She was a sought-after speaker, and her revenue heavily relied on speaking gigs around the world. But when the pandemic hit, everything changed. Speaking events were canceled, and then she contracted COVID-19 herself and became seriously ill.

Teamwork to the Rescue

Lyndsay's virtual assistants and her team of trainers stepped up in a monumental way. "My virtual assistants and my team of trainers saved my business," she revealed. Despite facing her own health challenges, she was able to pivot her business and launch virtual products that filled a crucial need during the pandemic.

This experience reinforced Lyndsay's belief in the power of having a supportive team. She emphasized the significance of focusing on "we" instead of "I," acknowledging that it's not about one person doing everything—it's about working together to achieve greatness.

Lessons in Resilience

Lyndsay's journey through illness and uncertainty also taught her valuable lessons in resilience and embracing the messy middle. She pointed out that while we often celebrate the end product of resilience stories, we must also acknowledge the challenging process that leads to breakthroughs.

"Will your business work if you're not able to work?" Lyndsay posed this question, highlighting the importance of building systems, a reliable team, and taking steps to ensure your business's sustainability even during personal challenges.

Building a Strong Team

Lyndsay's success in building and maintaining a remarkable team is a testament to the effectiveness of her approach. She shared some insights on how she cultivated a culture of trust and collaboration:

  • Communication: Consistent communication is key. Lyndsay and her team use Google Docs and Voxer to stay connected, exchange ideas, and address tasks.
  • Bonuses and Recognition: Lyndsay incentivizes her team's performance with bonuses and regular expressions of gratitude. Recognizing their contributions and showing appreciation fosters a sense of belonging.
  • Shared Goals: By involving her team in the company's goals, Lyndsay creates a shared sense of purpose. She encourages collaboration and strives to align her team's efforts with the company's vision.
  • Feedback Loop: Regular feedback helps refine processes and ensures that everyone is on the same page. Constructive feedback, both positive and critical, contributes to a culture of growth and improvement.
  • Investment in Growth: Lyndsay invests in her team's growth, empowering them to take on new responsibilities and develop new skills. This approach not only benefits the individuals but also strengthens the overall team.

Final Thoughts

Lyndsay Morris's journey is a testament to the power of teamwork, resilience, and self-care. Her story reminds us that building a supportive team and embracing the power of "we" can save not only our businesses but also our well-being. Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, Lyndsay's story serves as a beacon of inspiration—a reminder that challenges can be transformed into opportunities with the right mindset and a supportive team by your side.

So, take it from Lyndsay Morris: It's okay not to be okay, and it's essential to build a team that can support you through the ups and downs of your entrepreneurial journey. Your team can be your lifeline, your source of strength, and your partners in achieving your dreams.

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