Setting Expectations with Your Virtual Assistant

Setting expectations with a virtual asssitant

I want to dive into a crucial topic that often spells the difference between a successful partnership and a frustrating experience when working with virtual assistants. The topic? Setting expectations. So often, I hear from entrepreneurs who have hired virtual assistants in the past, only to end up frustrated and disappointed. Honestly, I believe that about 90% of these failures can be attributed to a lack of clear communication regarding expectations. In fact, it's not just about communicating expectations but also ensuring they are realistic and well-defined.

Understanding and Defining Your Expectations

Before you even start looking for a virtual assistant, take a step back and ask yourself, "What are my expectations?" Sure, you know you need help, but have you really pinpointed the tasks, responsibilities, and outcomes you're expecting? It's important to be specific and realistic about what you need.

Let's face it, expecting a general virtual assistant to excel in digital marketing, SEO, content creation, and accounting is setting yourself up for disappointment. While you might be searching for a superhero, it's essential to remember that even superheroes need time to develop their skills.

The Path to Skill Development

Remember Neeca, my rock star team member who seems to do it all? Well, she wasn't born with those skills. It took time and investment for her to become the expert she is today. You can help your virtual assistant develop their skills too by providing online courses. Platforms like Udemy offer affordable courses that can turn a promising general virtual assistant into a focused specialist.

However, it's crucial to give your virtual assistant room to grow. Don't watch them like a hawk or penalize them for learning. Giving them space to develop benefits both of you in the long run.

Communication is Key

One common mistake is assuming your virtual assistant can read your mind. It's a trap we often fall into in various aspects of our lives, expecting others to know what we're thinking. To avoid this pitfall, it's critical to communicate expectations clearly from the very beginning.

Written communication is your best friend here. Document your expectations, whether they are project-specific or relate to overall roles and responsibilities. But don't stop at writing them down—have a conversation with your virtual assistant. Ask them to repeat back what they understand your expectations to be. This ensures both of you are on the same page.

Initial Onboarding and Ongoing Expectations

When onboarding your virtual assistant, consider creating a video or audio recording that explains your expectations, company values, and culture. Alternatively, dedicate the first hour or more to discussing these aspects. Remember, your virtual assistant isn't a mind-reader. It's your responsibility to clearly communicate your goals and vision.

Also, outline the metrics of success and failure. What defines a job well done? What constitutes a missed target? These definitions will help guide performance evaluations and keep everyone aligned.

In Summary

  • Know Your Expectations: Define your expectations clearly and realistically.
  • Communication is Key: Communicate these expectations from the beginning and put them in writing.
  • Check for Clarity: Ask your virtual assistant to repeat back their understanding of your expectations.
  • Document Metrics: Define success and failure metrics for projects and tasks.

Remember, clear communication and well-defined expectations set the stage for a productive and successful partnership with your virtual assistant.