160+ tasks you can give to a virtual assistant

✨ You need a Virtual Assistant (even if you aren’t “there” yet) ✨

You can download this task list of 160+ tasks you can give to a virtual assistant below…💯 ⬇️

My very first VA, 💖Neeca💖, is still with me today. We are going on almost  8️⃣ years together.💪

When I hired her I really had 👉no clue👈 what I was doing. I really didn't feel like I was ready yet...I was barely breaking even in my business.📊

At that time, I was trying to launch a webinar👩🏻‍💻 that would lead to the sale of on an online course I was so proud of.⠀

But showing up live to host that webinar was just the beginning...

...Who would handle any tech issues that might come up?🤦🏻‍♀️

I needed to be focusing on what I was going to 🗣SAY in this webinar...what I was going to TEACH✏️...and how I was going to introduce this new course

...NOT 🚫how I was going to connect my email service provider with Webinar Jam.

I realized I was spinning my wheels.⚙️

Once I hired Neeca, 💥everything💥 changed.

... and that feeling of freedom...the feeling of dropping 100 pounds of bricks 🏗 off of my shoulders, is indescribable.


Suddenly I could dive in to the things I was good at, that I loved💖...the things that brought revenue 💰into my business.

Fortunately, I did do  a few things right🎯,

1️⃣ I made sure she felt like part of the business from the very beginning. 🚫Not like a contractor.

I wanted her to know that I valued her💖, and that we were going to grow this business together.👯‍♂️

2️⃣ I set up some very simple systems before she started, so that I wouldn't have to micro-manage 🔍 her every second of every day. 

3️⃣ As we began to grow together, we started documenting our systems, so we could help other people have the same success.🏆

I want you to know that...

even if you feel like your business isn't "there" yet

even if you've tried this before and it didn't work💩

even if you have no clue right now how you will pull this off

I want you to l👀k  at the list 📄 and understand that someone else CAN do everything that's on there, and MORE,

And most importantly, I want you to know that 🦅 freedom in your business is 👉 COMPLETELY POSSIBLE 👈.